Pricing Information

Pricing information is broken down below for each type of shoot, please note that this is base pricing for in my area, when traveling prices will fluctuate based on travel costs as well as rental cost for studio space, and other accomodations made between myself and the venue/location/studio I am shooting within.

Studio Shoots

Studio shoots begin at $150 for a 30 minute session with unlimited outfit and apparatus choices as long as they fit within your allotted session time. Longer session times available upon request of the studio with fluctuating pricing as outlined above.

    This includes the following:
  • 10 edited photos chosen by you from all of your proofs.
  • Additional photos available for $3 per photo.
  • All photos available in B&W for an additional $15.

Location Shoots

Location shoots begin at $150 for a 30 minute session with unlimited outfit choices as long as they fit within your allotted session time. Apparatus availability is dependent on the location, and prices will fluctuate based on what is needed to make each location safe to shoot in. (Example: additional sandbagging for a water shoot to weight down equipment.)

    This includes the following:
  • 10 edited photos chosen by you from all of your proofs.
  • Additional photos available for $3 per photo.
  • All photos available in B&W for an additional $15.

Show & Venue Shoots

Show & Venue shoots begin at $350 and will fluctuate based on travel cost, length of show, competition, performance, etc.. Each performer will recieve a set number of images, however the host can discuss changes to the number of images recieved, editing done, etc. outside of what is provided in the base event package:

    This base event package includes the following:
  • 5 edited photos of each performer chosen by photographer. (Ability to choose from proofs available upon request.)
  • Ability for performers to buy additional photos at set cost. (Depent upon location, travel costs, etc.)
  • All photos of a performer available in B&W for an additional $5 per performer.